Embrace Therapy®
Diego Galati

Remember how to feel GOoD.
9 years ago I was sitting in the garden in a panic attack. I had lost everything my life was based on at that moment and at that moment and shame, fear and despair crowded my thoughts to suffocate me.
If I look back I recognize that my mind, body, and soul were sending me a precious message: we have had enough.
I had to find a solution. I didn’t know exactly what I was going to do but of one thing I was sure: this is not the way my life is going to end!
I was ready.
Was it painful?
Well, I could tell at that moment it was like they skinned me alive.
But I worked out the mourning. I let a part of Me die to make room for the most authentic Me… to the Me that is before every question and every answer… to the Divinity that is within each of us… to the Deep Connection with All That Exists…
I spent the following years reading and studying, experimenting with my own skin what I was learning, getting excited about the results I got, and letting the desire to share them with the world kindled my heart.

It has been a long and tortuous journey… but today I know that each of us has a Gift that patiently awaits to be brought to light… I feel that sharing mine helps me to clearly outline my path… to grow, to evolve, and to use my voice to remind you that it is the same for you… to help you recognize the Wonder you have always been and show yourself to the world in total freedom, in all your most authentic Splendor.
As you recognize that God is not in the heavens but is everywhere – therefore also within you – you will feel life sprouting inside… at first timidly, then more and more luxuriant… until you see it blossom even outside… and fill with Light and Love the existences of the lovely persons who will choose to stay and walk next to you…
How to sign up for
the EMBRACE® THERAPY session
Step 1
Make an appointment
If you are ready for the EMBRACE® session, please contact me to arrange an appointment.
Write me an email:
Make an appointment Messenger
Step 2
Pay for the session
Below you can find a link to a page where you can purchase an Embrace® session.
- You can purchase a single session,
- purchase a multiple of 7 sessions (when you buy 7 sessions – one session is free, i.e. you will get 8 sessions).
Step 3
Come to the session
Depending on how you arranged the sessions:
- you will get a link to the session on ZOOM or Skype
- if it’s a personal appointment you will receive the office address.
A single session
- Duration of the session: 90 minutes
- A single session will not solve a series ofproblems you might be facing on a daily basis. It will show the direction, path and areas where to look further in yourinquiry
- Embrace Therapy® session can dissolve an accumulated emotional charge attached to one particular situation.
- It can release you from an entire emotional chain built on your false, negative belief
- Embrace Therapy® is recommended to people who have been on a path of self-discovery and self-development for a while now but whofeel a lack of a greater perspective, some last link to bring it altogether